Question 2: What are the top three areas where the capacities of National Hydrological  Services need to be strengthened, in particular through international cooperation? What would be the difference in the case of a combined Hydrometeorological Service?

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51 Replies to “Question 2: What are the top three areas where the capacities of National Hydrological  Services need to be strengthened, in particular through international cooperation? What would be the difference in the case of a combined Hydrometeorological Service?”

  1. Improve observational systems
    Strengthen capacities in hydrologic modeling
    Promote interdisciplinary, integrated research to effectively inform policy

  2. 2. Capacity building and networking: benchmarking and sharing best practices and innovations is the most important part in international co-operation including
    -databases and data sharing (especially transboundary basins)
    -measurement techniques
    -modelling and forecasting issues
    -flood risk assessment
    -finding new project opportunities

  3. I believe that the three basic areas that need to be strengthened in hydrological services are:

    1.- Observational system
    2.- Hydroclimatic integration system
    3.- Modeling system

    In each of them what you are looking for is that the hydrologist contributes in a more efficient way to the knowledge of the hydrological conditions of the basins (natural and intervened), in such a way that its opportune and reliable answers, allow to contribute in the topics of the water resources management, disaster management, environmental management, for food, population and energy security, which leads to sustainable development.
    It does not matter if it is a pure or combined hydrological service, the actions or mechanisms are the same if we intend to find the line of collaborative, cooperative and integrated development for a sustainable society.

  4. En el área social/institucional, las capacidades para la gestión integrada de recursos hídricos.
    En el área ambiental, las capacidades para la protección de fuentes de agua, infraestructura de almacenamiento y gestión de humedales mediante mecanismos de retribución por servicios ecosistémicos.

  5. Los servicios deben de estar muy relacionados con obras Hidraúlicas. Envalses, enregía, conducción, impermeabilización.
    Fundamentalmente con MEDICIONES: Nivometeorológicas, Aforo de Ríos y mediciones minoristas (USUARIOS)

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