Question 6: What are the key fora (for example: expert groups, Regional Association, Technical Commissions, Executive Council/Congress) through which your organization currently engages, or would like to engage, with WMO in the field of operational hydrology?

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27 Replies to “Question 6: What are the key fora (for example: expert groups, Regional Association, Technical Commissions, Executive Council/Congress) through which your organization currently engages, or would like to engage, with WMO in the field of operational hydrology?”

  1. We participate or support several international and national initiatives, commissions and agreements.
    But we fell very hard to participate of WMO, specially at World Congress and Secretariat. For hydrologists, WMO is still a organization for meteorologists. This is the reason that other UN agencies, like UNESCO and it’s International Hydrological Program, have more influence and leadership in water resources international and national initiatives.

  2. En plus des structures qui existent déjà au sein de l’OMM, l’initiative des conférences HYDROMET est bonne et est à encourager.

  3. We have been joining most of all of key fora including expert groups (OPACHE), Regional Association (RAII), Technical Commission(CHy). However, there is no opportunity to engage Executive Council/Congress so far. It is time to open and share the EC/Congress to NHSs directly so that can be very effective WMO to become involved closely in world hydrology(water) issues.

  4. Les forums clés au sein desquels,notre organisme est actuellement engagés ou l’OMM peut être engagé sont:
    -Le FANFAR ,Plateforme d’échange de prévision des inondations en Afrique de l’Ouest.Consortium financé par l’Union Européenne et géré par SMHI(Suède) qui a pour partenaire NIMET, NISHA, Agrymet,..
    Site Web:
    -ARC(african Risk Capacity)
    Site Web:

  5. WMO should support River Basin Organizations in the field of operational hydrology to cope with flooding disasters.

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