Question 1: What are the major external changes and dynamics that demand a response by the National Hydrological Services and the hydrological community of WMO?

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55 Replies to “Question 1: What are the major external changes and dynamics that demand a response by the National Hydrological Services and the hydrological community of WMO?”

  1. 1- les grands changements et dynamiques observés, sont sans nul doute; le changement climatique et les effets anthropiques qui ont un effet considérable sur le cycle de l’eau. donc cela doit être pris en compte par la communauté hydrologique de l’OMM.
    2- le renforcement des capacités en matière de prévision des phénomènes extrêmes; la formation des hydrologues opérationnels (limnimetries, jaugeage etc.. ) et la gouvernance de l’eau. le fait que les services hydrologiques et météorologiques soient logés sous la même tutelle sera très bénéfique car ils pourront travailler de façon étroite pour l’atteinte des objectifs

  2. Advances in communication technology, bring these advances to the general civilian population, obtaining benefits and translating into information to manage vulnerabilities. Take advantage of financing mechanisms to improve disaster prevention policies and practices, based on improved meteorological and hydrological forecasts, reduce knowledge gaps in countries, and contribute to the reduction of technological gaps based on the global information management policy and agenda of the Sendai framework and the Kyoto Protocol, eg.

  3. Climate change, land-cover change, changes (rise) in demands and diversions, and new ways of measuring/assessing hydro-meteorological variables.

  4. En primer lugar, considero todos los servicios meteorológicos actúan de forma regional. Donde la información esta muy condicionada y guardada. Sin compartir con otras naciones, que están pasando graves problemas climáticos y no tienen la capacidad financiera poder hacer un seguimiento del clima. en forma veraz y real.
    En segundo lugar, la información debe ser libre y gratuita y llegar a todos los lugares, que con un correcto estudio, se sabe que son zonas criticas.

  5. The speed with which information relative to the occurrence of a hydrological event circulates is increasing. Also, that information is sometimes false or wrong. That is why it is necessary that the NHSs, as an authorized voice, should have a good presence and dissemination in news and social media with reliable and attractive products. There are good products, but sometimes they are not well disseminated and do not easily reach the user.

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