Question 4: What do you think is needed

What do you think is needed to:

a) Ensure production and dissemination of flood warnings that reach all people in your country? What do you expect from WMO in this regard?

b) Drought-proof your country? What do you expect from WMO in this regard?

c) Be informed enough to manage water wisely for food, energy, health, and the biosphere? What do you expect from WMO in this regard?

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38 Replies to “Question 4: What do you think is needed”

  1. Regarding Drought Proof:
    a) Make Rain Fall Harvesting a major initiative of the end users. Some compliments or subsidies should be given to end users who take initiatives to enhance this technology and spread this to common end users.

    c) Discussion forms should be more effective by participation from Experts. If possible some option should be there to showcase the works implemented. This could be a eye opener for other experts in the same field. WMO can cordinate this through the portal service which is a common platform.

  2. a) First hand information shall be provided from the concerned nations who experience the natural disasters to the apex body so that fruitful decissions can be taken on this regard.
    b)Expertise from WMO should be made effective. There are portals where WMO provides the details and Contact numbers of Hydrological experts. The concerned agencies should utilige this opportunity.

  3. a1) improving a quality and timely provision of warnings through using modern information technologies, and teaching users to use received warnings effectively. a2) publishing best practices in this area in WMO publications.
    b) In many respects, the same requirements can be considered. However, it should be borne in mind that droughts, as a meteorological phenomena which has a greater inertia of impact, have less requirements to timeliness of warnings. WMO role – see a).
    c) Work closely with sectors of economy in order to timely take into account changes in their requirements for hydrometeorological products. WMO role – see a).

  4. a) En Uruguay se necesita implementar mejoras en el Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Inundaciones (SATI-UY) desarrollado por UDELAR, con el apoyo de las instituciones nacionales y la OMM. Particularmente es necesario avanzar en la utilización de información de radares para disminuir la incertidumbre de los pronósticos meteorológicos.
    La OMM debería apoyar un desarrollo permanente de los SATI, puesto que la utilización de los mismos por parte los organismos responsables de gestionar las emergencias es muy dependiente de la confianza en las previsiones por parte de la población afectada.
    b)Se debe avanzar en la previsión de sequías con suficiente antelación para implementar programas que contribuyan a mitigar su impacto económico. No conozco en profundidad los programas de la OMM vinculados a sequías como para definir su aporte.
    c)Apoyar la formación de recursos humanos capaces de apoyar a los tomadores de decisión en la gestión sustentable de los recursos hídricos, incorporando cantidad, calidad y pérdida de suelos.

  5. c) Train the end user of the hydro-meteorological information (energy sector, agriculture, public in general) so that he / she can be able to correctly interpret the information provided.

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