Question 7: Meteorology and hydrology in many countries are dealt with by different government organizations. What is your suggestion to make the WMO structure better adapted to the reality of such management of different sectors, to promote more effectively coordination of meteorology and hydrology in Member countries?

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25 Replies to “Question 7: Meteorology and hydrology in many countries are dealt with by different government organizations. What is your suggestion to make the WMO structure better adapted to the reality of such management of different sectors, to promote more effectively coordination of meteorology and hydrology in Member countries?”

  1. Hydrology and meteorology requires different skills, methods and technologies. Both have different clients to the information they produce.
    I believe WMO needs to understand this difference and support a structure dedicated to hydrology, but also ways to integrate the areas, since the water resources information is heavily dependent of climate and wheather data.
    Water related data is also crucial to UN and I think WMO has to lead data collection and dissemination at UN.

  2. Comme quelqu’un l’a si bien dit, l’on ne peut pas bien faire de l’hydrologie sans la météorologie, elles sont les deux doigts de la climatologie. Encourager les pays membres à combiner ces deux activités est une initiative à envisager.

  3. -Organiser des Rencontres de plaidoyer au près des décideurs politiques pour statuer sur l’importance de la collecte,l’analyse et le traitement des données hydrologiques,l’importance de jumelage des SNH et SNM
    -Faire des plaidoyer au près gouvernements pour financement des projets hydrologiques par le biais de leur BND(budget national de développement

  4. Hydrology and Meteorology should be housed under one Ministry to make the WMO structure better adapted to the reality of such management of different sectors, to promote more effective coordination of meteorology and hydrology in the Member States.

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