Question 1: What are the major external changes and dynamics that demand a response by the National Hydrological Services and the hydrological community of WMO?

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55 Replies to “Question 1: What are the major external changes and dynamics that demand a response by the National Hydrological Services and the hydrological community of WMO?”

  1. The NHSs need to fill the gaps in the hydrological knowledge of a country, which implies to measure both quantity and quality, with data quality control, in order to allow agencies, private sector and society to plan and to make decisions based in representative data, in long and short terms. But they also have the obligation to provide real time data to protect society and property from extreme hydrological events. These duties require a complex and expensive network.

  2. Le problème de changement climatique est aujourd’hui au cœur des défis du monde à relever. Les activités hydrologiques doivent être à même d’avoir sa part réponse. Pour avoir été longtemps à l’avant-garde des études environnementales, les activités hydrologiques doivent s’adapter technologiquement pour donner une réponse efficace.

  3. WMO must become a facilitator of knowledge and expertise sharing. Because of the many different and complex obstacles that NHS and similars institutions face, the dynamic WMO must pursuit is to reinforce and open communication channels between professionals and organizations, to foment and facilitates alliances, in order to connect people that need to solve similar problems and to spread solutions that has work for specific problems.

  4. 1\ aprovechamiento de nuevas tecnologías para la recolección de datos (e.g. ciencia ciudadana) e integración de dicha información con las tecnologías existentes para realizar análisis más robustos
    2\ diseño de redes hidrometeorológicas que maximicen la cantidad de información, relativa a los procesos estudiados, con el mínimo de estaciones posibles (recortes presupuestarios)
    3\ facilidad/accesibilidad para aplicar métodos de análisis de datos avanzados sin antes revisar si los supuestos en los cuales se basan dichos métodos se cumplen (o no) para el fenómeno estudiado.

  5. Accentuated extreme events due to climate change. In particular I stand out droughts. No availability or scarsed low flow data. There is also the need of cooperation in low flow modeling to support management of water resources.

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