Action area ‘DROUGHTS AND SUPPORT TO FOOD SECURITY AGENDA’ – activities contributing to achievement of ambitions ‘Everyone is prepared for drought’ & ‘Hydro-climate and meteorological data support the food security agenda’

Open for comments until 25 May 2021Extended to 31 May 2021Leave your comment(s) below

A Logical Framework methodology was used to design a holistically consistent structure of goals, outcomes that leads to achievement of these goals, outputs that together will materialize into desirable outcomes, and finally activities through which outputs will be delivered.

A schematic illustration of resulting proposal is provided in the following figure.

The Table below provides a list of proposed activities grouped by outputs. More details can be found in the following table/document where for some of the activities additional features are proposed (such as responsibility, time, linkages, etc.). The Table is intended to become an integral part of the Action Plan as it annex.





Enhanced coordination, effectiveness and governance of all WMO activities in supporting Members in Integrated Drought Management


Streamline ongoing activities on Droughts across the WMO Constituent and Subsidiary bodies, ensuring coherence, consistency, and efficient use of resources.



Ensure IDMP continues providing a technical resource for drought management through a Community of Practice and a HelpDesk providing:

i) Expert Advice and exchange of experiences (Joint Technical Support Unit of GWP and WMO),

ii) Guidelines and Tools,

iii) Project Preparation support,

iv) Capacity Development



Establish effective joint planning and implementation mechanisms with major partners and activities (IDI, UNDRR, FAO, IFAD, European commission….)

Better coordination f UN flood related activities brings more effective delivery on flood risk assessment and forecasting around the globe.


Establish guiding principles and agreements with private sector to support drought related early warning and risk management

Private sector could offer technologies like AI or cellphone applications that enable enhancement of services in flood forecasting. Searching opportunities for cooperation via agreements and pilot projects.


Drought related data and products with global and regional coverage are available for the use at national scale by Members


i) Identification of requirements on Globally/regionally produced information for use in drought assessment, modelling and prediction at national scale by NHSs, and
ii) development of an interface for NHSs to search, use and interpret the products.

The identification of requirements includes, at least, those on what elements, their temporal and spatial resolution, latency, formats, and transfer/access mechanisms.


Establishment of Global centers on drought within GDPFS and capacitation of NMHSs to process and apply the information to local context

Global centers must have the capacity to regularly produce / make available the required data and products,
NMHSs need capacity and tools/methodology to apply global/regional info effectively


Operational guidance and tools for verification of products available

Guidelines / training materials / tools for interpretation for using products of GDPFS drought centers are available together with a tool and guidance how to verify derived products at National/local scale.


Gaps in Members’ capabilities in drought assessment, monitoring, modelling and prediction are known  


Development of a Checklist to enable reviewing current capacities, by experts

Inspired by MHEWS checklist and Sendai monitor evaluation of goal G


Development of a framework for evaluation of gaps and needs of National drought forecasting and early warning systems

Provide guidance on how to make use of the framework in order to perform the evaluation.
Establishment of a repository of assessed NMHSs. 


The need of an effective national drought policy is understood by Members


Support Members in the development of proactive drought impact mitigation, preventive and planning measures, and risk management



Help improve the public awareness of drought risk and preparedness for drought



Demonstrate the convenience of linking drought management plans to local/national development policies



Increased capacities and capabilities of Members through training of personnel in drought (low-flow) Monitoring, Modelling and Early Warning & drought vulnerability and impact assessment & drought adaptation and mitigation, preparedness and response (including in the field of support of food production and security)


Capacity building activities organized through the IDMP, including curricula and training material based on needs identification, developed for capacities and capabilities in drought management of Members

Training materials are to be included on: i) Drought Monitoring, Modelling and Early Warning, ii) Drought vulnerability and impact assessment, and iii) Drought adaptation and mitigation, preparedness and response


Trainings materials based on curricula developed to support Members

Training materials (e-learning) are to be included on: i) Drought Monitoring, Modelling and Early Warning, ii) Drought vulnerability and impact assessment, and iii) Drought adaptation and mitigation, preparedness and response, iv) support of food production industry


Twinning projects in user driven products development



Increased capacities of Members through development projects in the area of Monitoring and Early Warning & drought vulnerability and impact assessment & drought adaptation and mitigation, preparedness and response


see cross-cutting A.6



Increased cooperation (and co-production of services) of hydrological, meteorological and climatological communities and international exchange (e.g., higher involvement of hydrology in climate outlook fora, basin commissions)


Widen the implementation of a Water segment towards the creation of Regional Outlook Fora (ROFs), based on the successful experience of RCOFs with water segment in Central America



RA regular (annual/seasonal/monthly) statements on water resources



Increased Members capabilities in drought vulnerability and impact assessment of different sectors by meaningful drought indicators and indices are known and used at all relevant scales


Develop a Global Drought Indicator (GDI), including a water scarcity indicator,
– low-flow/low-level indicators;
– regional/national/basin indicators to be developed 



Develop guidelines on harmonizing drought early warning and risk information for end user communication



Increased production and/or availability of agrometeorological and hydrological forecast from sub-seasonal to seasonal


Provide methodology and tools to interpret HYDROSOS data and information for agricultural applications (snow, ice soil  moisture, groundwater, irrigation, water storage…..)



Incorporate specialized forecasting abilities for relevant sectors such as inland navigation (forecast of the depth of water in navigable rivers), energy, health…….

Review of available and reliable methodologies to be used for specialized applications of seasonal forecasts as initial step to decide on further actions


Effective dialogue between users and providers established


8.1 National consultations between forecasters and users in agricultural sector

 i) guidelines based on good practices developed and implemented

ii) compilation of list of requirements from users and their decisions /expectations and how to research on these (guide)

iii)  catalog of case studies of product and service development as well as marketing strategies for customers and development of process/check list, methodology to support strategic service planning of NMHSs including catalogue of products and services in response to customer requirements  



Strengthened capacity of NMHSs personnel in user driven products and services design and delivery (in the field of support of food production and security)


See C.5 “Increased capacities and capabilities of Members through training of personnel in drought (low-flow)…”



Water-food-energy nexus and ecosystem services are better understood and inform water resources management


Facilitate discussion on the role of hydrology in providing the required data for optimizing the management of water resources to accommodate the three sectors’ needs (through symposia, open panels, TED talks etc. on water-food-energy nexus)



Showcase case studies on the water food energy nexus (CEPAL, ENANDES, other)


Please comment on the list of activities by answering to the following questions using the “Leave a reply” form at the bottom of this page:

  1. Are any substantial activities missing from your point of view (please keep in mind that, given their nature, they may be also listed under cross-cutting issues)?
  2. Are all listed activities feasible and meaningful?
  3. Do you want to propose some changes to definition, description or other features of individual activities? Please refer to ID of the activity.
  4. Any other comments are welcome as well.

In addition please indicate, using the survey form here below, your preferences concerning the priorities by assigning ‘High priority’ to those activities you consider critical for the Action Plan for Hydrology and which you’d like to promote. At the same time, please assign ‘no priority’ to activities that should be downgraded or dropped from the Action Plan:

This post is open for comments until 25 May 2021 – Extended to 31 May 2021.

Thank you for your inputs!

Comments (6)

  • Yashar Falamarzi26 May 2021 at 7h03

    The view of WMO in supporting national and regional hydrological activities is highly appreciated. As it is clear, hydrological characteristics of each region (better to say each watershed) are very different with those of other region/watershed. Thus, in my view, developing a global drought indicator is not a proper proposal. It is recommended to decrease the level from global to regional for drought indicator, at least.

  • Ram Kumar Dhurmea25 May 2021 at 8h16

    There is need of country based assessment on the progress of implementation of a drought monitoring scheme including early warning. Different countries have different level of implementation based on available expertise and capacity to address challenges. It is very difficult for a country to embark on mitigation and adaptation without a proper drought monitoring established.
    As such, a comprehensive country-base evaluation, particularly vulnerable member states in the various regional associations, to address gaps and emerging challenges in developing drought monitoring and early warning is most immediate. Twinning projects will be a holistic approach.

  • Ram Kumar Dhurmea25 May 2021 at 8h03

    The descriptions of C1.3 and C1.4 has to be reviewed so that they relates to drought rather than to Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Forecasting.

  • Viacheslav Manukalo23 May 2021 at 13h32

    This area should remain one of the highest priorities in WMO’s work, given the potential risks to the population’s food supply due to climate change.

  • TOSSA Aurélien18 May 2021 at 21h18

    Le suivi de la sécheresse reste un point important dans nos pays notamment au Bénin. Son impact sur l’agriculture est importante.

    Approximate translation: Drought monitoring remains an important point in our countries, particularly in Benin. Its impact on agriculture is significant.

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